Nayoma Viktoria de Haën

Certified Trainer for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC and Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation)
Imagery-Coach (SOI)



"I am thrilled by everything that contributes to making this world a place worth living for the next seven generations. I am convinced that a mindful, compassionate attitude towards oneself, our fellow humans and nature is of paramount importance for this. I experience Mindful Communication - based on buddhistic inspired mindfulness practice and Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg - as an ingenious approach to both coping with the personal complexities of our daily interactions and deepening our most fundamental interconnectedness, or, as the Buddhist might say, a well proven way to personal and collective happiness."


since 2003 trainer, facilitator, coach and consultant for personal development and communication
since 2000 translator, interpreter, editor and author
since 1994 teacher for meditation and facilitator for psychospiritual development
1985-93 landscape architect in Hamburg
born 1959, raised in the Rhein-Main area and Heidelberg

living in Berlin


Education and Training:

  • Design Thinking
  • Systemic Consensing
  • Consent-Moderation
  • Dynamic Facilitation (Jim Rough)
  • Organizational Development for Nonprofit Organizations (Socius, Berlin)
  • Imagery (C. Shainberg, School of Images, N.Y.) since 2008
  • Voice Dialogue (Ana Barner) 2009-2010
  • Mindfulness-Retreats (with Thich Nath Hanh and others) since 2006
  • Nonviolent Communication acc. to Marshall B. Rosenberg since 2006
  • Constellation work (acc. to Hellinger and C. Sombathy-Kraus) 2000-2004
  • Systemic Coaching (Meta-Forum Berlin) 1998
  • Core-Schamanism (Christopher Beaver, Colorado) 1993-2003
  • Dipl.-Ing. landscape planning TU Berlin 1979-1985


Latest Publications:

Die Stille im Gespräch, Artikel in "Kommunikation & Seminar" 2/2014 Junfermann Verlag

Das Mysterium der Raunächte, Buch und Meditations-CD, Koha-Verlag

30 Minuten Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, mit Co-Autor Torsten Hardieß, GABAL Verlag (erscheint September 2015)